6 Copywriting Tips For E-Commerce Stores

Your web page content is the key to engagements and your e-commerce store is likely to see improved conversion rates and profit after implementing more strategic content. E-Commerce copywriting, then, is a tool to attract, maintain, and grow your potential leads. 

For example, Northern Brewer is an e-commerce brand that sells craft beer-making kits. The brand regularly publishes educational content on brewing. Using e-commerce copywriting, Northern Brewer generates organic traffic at over 6,000 views a month. Your business can also improve its online presence and attract more viewers by focusing on your e-commerce website’s copywriting.

Copywriting Tips For Your E-Commerce Business

Consider creating web page content that entices, engages, and then convinces your audience to take action. Use these copywriting principles to make the most of your e-commerce copy.

Understand Your Audience

Understanding the audience you are writing for is step one, and will help you can make the most of your e-commerce copywriting. Before starting, take note of your target audience and their demographics, interests, and pain points so that you can write copy that will attract this specific group. Sites like Reddit and Quora help you understand your audience’s goals and challenges. Tailor your copy to resolve your audience’s problems.

Use Simple Language and Short Paragraphs

When you write e-commerce copy, focus on short, simple sentences, and avoid the use of jargon, cliches, and fluff. To build engagement, create easy-to-understand, concise copy. Overly complex writing with fluffy details risks confusing visitors and losing their attention. You can vary the text length and include some longer sentences, but for the most part, focus on delivering easily comprehendible text.

State The Benefits

Your e-commerce copy should focus on the benefits your products are offering. While product features and details are important, the focus of your copy should be to convince them to buy from you; rather than from your competition or a substitute.

Create Urgency

For e-commerce copywriting, a sense of urgency can increase your conversion rate. To use this in your writing, present information that builds fear of missing out to your reader. Convince your reader that purchasing your product is in their best interest. Effective copywriting techniques that you can try are limited-time offers, time-sensitive reminders, and real-time sales updates.

State a Call-to-Action

Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons motivate readers to fill out forms or take specific actions. A CTA is a button that invites website visitors to take action by telling them what to buy and where to click. The CTA copy needs to be short and direct. Create a clear call-to-action on your e-commerce pages to turn viewers into conversions. You can use a timeframe factor, like “Shop Here” or “Buy Now,” to create a sense of urgency and scarcity.

Use Targeted Headings

To quote David Ogilvy, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” The headline of your web page content is the first sentence the visitors read before going through the whole copy; if you fail to interest your readers, you may lose a sales opportunity. Consumers click on web content depending on the relevance and attractiveness of its headline. Try to make your title short, but informative. A well-written article with a bad headline doesn’t sell.

Use E-Commerce Copywriting To Increase Your Conversions

Follow these tips to make the most of your e-commerce copywriting. A good copy leads to actions and those actions to conversions. To get started on your e-commerce copywriting, consult a digital marketing agency today to get started.