Top Off-Page SEO Practices

Implementing and employing off-page SEO practices can help your website gain authority on the web and improve your search engine rankings. Off-page SEO is primarily used to improve the credibility of your website and boost its reputation as a viable source of information for search engines as well as users.

Let’s take a look at the practices that constitute the off-page SEO process.

  1. Link-Building

    Links directing users from other sites are one of the top two criteria taken into account for the page ranking algorithm on Google. The highest-ranking page on Google has an average of 3.8x higher backlinks than those in positions 2 – 10. Links directed to your website from credible sources demonstrate that your content is helpful and credible and hels your content to rank higher on search engines than sources with lesser credibility. Blogs are a great link-building exercise with companies that have blogs getting over 97% more backlinks than those without.

  2. Influencer Outreach

    We can consider influencer outreach as one of the most efficient marketing tools in the digital age. 70% of teens trust influencers over traditional celebrities, while 49% of consumers bank on influencer recommendations to make brand-related decisions. As influencers continue to expand through social media, brands now have the opportunity to tap into the follower base and authority of influencers. 66% of marketers today promote their content with the help of influencers.

  3. Social Media Marketing

    Social media is a vital tool with an indirect but significant impact on your SEO. 54% of social media browsers use social media for product research. It immensely contributes to the growth of your website by increasing content reach and site traffic. 67% of marketers today believe that social media will greatly contribute to the revenue of a company. It influences the metrics used by search engines to measure your page rankings and improves both visibility and page engagement metrics.

  4. Guest Blogging

    Guest blogging is a desirable way to gain credibility within your niche and acquire quality backlinks to your website. You can expand your audience and enhance brand awareness by 17% through guest blogging. Featuring renowned bloggers on your website adds to the credibility while also promoting your product to the featured bloggers’ audience. About 50% of guest posts get over 50 – 100 visits from the referring website. Guest posting can help you acquire an increase in referral and organic traffic by over 80%.

  5. Content Submission

    Off-page SEO can highly benefit from directory or article submission to third-party websites by driving high-quality backlinks to your website. Submitting articles to third-party sites increases site credibility and online visibility. Directory submissions efficiently generate links to supplement time-consuming blogger outreach, along with content development activities. Websites that have relevant and authoritative directory submissions index quicker on the SERPs. You get higher site traffic, enhance brand recognition, and increase content reach.

    Off-page SEO practices impact your website’s rankings to a great extent. If you are looking for higher rankings on search engines, investing in off-page SEO is a great option and is just as important as on-page SEO.

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