team designing brand

How To Reach More People With Your Brand’s Messaging

The internet is overcrowded with pages, posts, people, organizations, and businesses all striving for attention. There is a lot of noise out there, and the messages that your brand conveys, and the mediums through which it speaks, need to be optimized to cut through the noise and ensure your messaging reaches your target audience. Branding is often overlooked in digital
healthcare workers meeting

5 Healthcare Social Media Marketing Ideas

Companies across all industries are making their presence felt on social media. However, healthcare social media marketing has been lagging behind for quite some time. The good news is that this lack of presence on social media creates considerable opportunities for innovative healthcare companies to adopt social media marketing to achieve their digital marketing goals. Using Social Media To Promote

How To Improve Your Zero-Click Search Result Rankings

A zero-click search is a great way to build brand credibility in today's fast-paced world, where people are looking for accessible, relevant, and practical answers to their questions. These specialized searches answer user questions through featured snippets, knowledge graphs, and carousels. Zero-click results pull a short answer directly into search engine results pages (SERPs) and inform users about a brand
man searching web

Your Guide To Search Intent and SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective ways to increase organic search traffic to your website. The higher your website ranks on search engine results pages like Google, the more traffic to your website, and subsequently, the more sales your business is likely to generate. Therefore, you need to optimize your digital content to drive more traffic
26 december

4 Tips To Hit Your Sales Targets This Boxing Day

Boxing Day is the final significant shopping day each year where stores and businesses come up with exciting deals and discounts for their customers. It is one of the top annual shopping events and drives massive traffic to brick-and-mortar and online stores. Most shoppers wait for this day to make large purchases at whopping discounts. For businesses looking for an
christmas shopping online

How To Generate More E-Commerce Sales This Christmas Shopping Season

Recent changes in consumer behaviour have forced many e-commerce retailers to change how they generate sales, and this coming Christmas is no exception. With the holiday season fast approaching, e-commerce merchants should prepare for the upcoming spike in online purchasing behaviour. 2021 is set to witness millions of additional retail sales, breaking the past year’s record, including the figures achieved
Woman in hotel room looking at tablet

Email Marketing Tips for Hotels & Hospitality Businesses

The hospitality industry is an extremely competitive space that requires effective digital marketing. However, like all businesses, hotels have a limited budget for digital marketing. Simply spending money for digital marketing purposes will not deliver the results you want unless there is a strong strategy in place to help you achieve your goals. This makes email marketing absolutely crucial for
woman taking photo of clothing for online business

5 Black Friday E-Commerce Digital Marketing Tactics

Black Friday marks the beginning of the holiday season and presents an opportunity to create a buzz by offering discounts and deals to attract customers to your e-commerce store. A digital marketing strategy that creates urgency and interest in Black Friday deals is essential for boosting sales. COVID-19 has made the digital market busier than ever, and shoppers are increasingly
Male and two females looking into store while shopping

5 Social Media Marketing Tips for Black Friday

Many shoppers look forward to Black Friday sales each year. It is one of the best times to purchase holiday gifts and capitalize on significant discounts being offered by retailers of all kinds. On the flip side, that means that Black Friday is also a great opportunity for your business to attract new customers and re-engage existing ones. One effective

4 Keyword Strategy Tips for Ottawa Businesses

When it comes to strengthening your online presence, keyword research is one of the most essential digital marketing activities to help your business stand out. Whether you’re promoting a website or trying to increase sales, finding the right keywords for your web content helps your pages rank higher on search engine result pages and increases brand visibility in organic search