Male and two females looking into store while shopping

5 Social Media Marketing Tips for Black Friday

Many shoppers look forward to Black Friday sales each year. It is one of the best times to purchase holiday gifts and capitalize on significant discounts being offered by retailers of all kinds. On the flip side, that means that Black Friday is also a great opportunity for your business to attract new customers and re-engage existing ones. One effective

4 Keyword Strategy Tips for Ottawa Businesses

When it comes to strengthening your online presence, keyword research is one of the most essential digital marketing activities to help your business stand out. Whether you’re promoting a website or trying to increase sales, finding the right keywords for your web content helps your pages rank higher on search engine result pages and increases brand visibility in organic search
two people looking at computer screen

4 SaaS Digital Marketing Tactics

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies require a strategic approach to reach their audience and grow their business. Expanding a business, however, is not an easy task in today's competitive marketplace. As most SaaS companies sell their products to other businesses, it is often considered a B2B business. Like any other B2B business, SaaS companies need to implement effective digital marketing to achieve
man opening google my business on his phone

How to Optimize your Google My Business Listing to Get More Customers

All businesses today require targeted visibility, especially on Google. About 97% of people find out about local companies online, as opposed to anywhere else. Despite this, most people don’t realize that Google business listings are an area that also needs optimization. As the local business owner,  you want to ensure your company name appears when people search for local services